Happening at the Agency

A Proper Introduction

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ultraHealth Agency, is an exciting medical staffing company that truly focuses on a white glove approach. ultraHealth came to fruition after seeing gaps in the market not being filled and the healthcare professionals looking for work feeling undervalued. We are changing that, we have a very human approach to recruitment and are candidate focused. We consider ultraHealth to be a community, made up of a strong home base with the team we have put together, the amazing pool of candidates in our pipeline, and the facilities we work with. We offer our services that go above and beyond traditional placement.We are able to do this by connecting premium, contracted and placement medical professionals with hospitals and specialty care facilities.

As a startup , ultraHealth Agency right now focuses primarily on the Los Angeles Area. We are located in Pasadena, Ca and have built close ties with the San Gabriel Valley and surrounding areas. While this may seem limited , it allows us to focus.



Candidate 106

This month we  want to showcase another amazing talent. We currently have an extremely compassionate nurse practitioner . With over 18 years experience in the healthcare industry as an RN, who holds both a DNP and MSN and in their spare time shares knowledge with the students at UCLA and Cal State LA. They are available to work part time as an advanced NP where they may continue to  learn, be challenged, and work alongside  a supportive team.

Contact us if you would like to work alongside Candidate 106 or another one of our amazing talents. 

If you are actively looking for employment please contact us today!


A Word from the Guru

Ikigai is a Japanese concept that means “a reason for being”. The word “ikigai” is usually used to indicate the source of value in one’s life or the things that make one’s life worthwhile. The word translated to English roughly means “thing that you live for” or “the reason for which you wake up in the morning”. ultraHealth’s Ikigai is to unite passionate caregivers with the world’s top medical facilities for the service of loved ones in need.

ultraHealth New Grad Program:Many new grads find difficulty in find work once they graduate, let ultraHealth Agency help you with the next steps in your career! 
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How can we help you craft your future?  Improving your Healthcare Job Search: In today’s increasingly competitive job marketplace, it can be difficult separating yourself from the massive volume of candidates that inundate employers and healthcare recruiters on a daily basis. This means that job seekers need to find new ways to stand out amongst other job seekers and truly stand out as the most qualified candidate for the available position.The good news, is that even though the job marketplace is increasingly becoming more competitive, there are tips that can help you improve your healthcare job search.Using a staffing agency helps candidates with these tips, whether it be resume restructure, mock interviews, or a good ol fashion pep talk, an agency like ours will be with you every step of the way. For our clients, we  find the best talent and advises them  on staffing strategies to support your company through inevitable ups and downs. By working with the right agency, you have the opportunity to gain a long-term partner for recruiting and hiring — one that truly understands your business. 

Finding The Right People

The ultraHealth Agency Team
Dane Flanigan, Julia Samaniego, and Myke “The Guru” Wright

It’s interesting, great leaders are tasked with finding and retaining the right people. Sometimes these leaders choose to find the right people before they even execute their business strategy. This begs the question, What does it mean to work with the right people? What does it  mean to work with the best? 

The idea of  who the right or best people is actually quite simple. It means that the people that work in your company or organization  share a common set of values and care about the leader’s vision. It seems so simple! Unfortunately, traditionally this concept can be  difficult to put into practice. That is why it is the leader’s job to make sure your current staff share the company values and to make sure that your company has a hiring process that hires based on these values. It is also the leader’s job to make sure that they are recognizing individuals; when you make your staff feel that they are contributing to your work and vision you will find yourself surrounded with people that you love and who truly get what it means to work and perform in your company.

You will see leading from the front, making the hard decisions, and  recognizing the good work being done is 100% worth the effort.

Here are some ways your efforts can take effect:

1.     Make sure that you and the rest of your leadership team has discovered who you really are as an organization – what your core values are.

2. Make sure to have clearly communicated these values to the whole organization and made it clear that this is who we are as a company.

3. Incorporate these values into all your people processes (e.g., hiring, firing, rewarding, recognizing, managing, coaching, etc.).

4. Make sure to continue to communicate the values often and make them truly a part of who the organization is at its core.

Leadership development can be broad so  it needs to be clearly defined for business outcomes. The common denominator is teaching managers the fine art of people skills. After all, leading an organization is still mostly about people , your most important asset. Without mastering people skills, you simply cannot be a good leader. Developing the skills will allow you to connect with your staff and they will enjoy coming to work because they will see their contributions have helped execute both their leaders and company’s  goals.

Why a Recent Grad Could Be Your Best Candidate

In our line of work, we have found so many great candidates with so much potential yet many positions out there require some experience for certain jobs, this is especially true in healthcare. When considering your next hire, consider hiring a recent college graduate, it could be just the right decision for your company.

Below are a few  reasons why:

1. Training- Teach and mold as you see fit for your company
A major advantage of hiring a recent college grad is that you may very well be the first to train them professionally. They may have had internships in college but as an employer you will be the first to  actually implement processes and policies in the workplace. They  will soak up all they have to learn in respects to  your systems, how your company does things, and what works for you. Hiring a new grad is a great opportunity to mold positive habits rather than trying to undue bad habits, this is  a huge advantage.

2. Ready, willing and able
At ultraHealth we are always are looking for fresh new ideas, new skills, and new perspectives to our team. We have been able to implement this with our college interns. Our hopes are to assist them in their job search after college while gaining meaningful experience. But for the graduates ready to work, they want to prove themselves as assets and contributors to the company’s overall mission and values. For employers,  this is a great chance to hire that up-and-comer who is  motivated and talented and ready  to make an impact to your company.

3. Emphasis on diversity and culture
From many of my previous articles and interviews, a common theme has been culture and improving overall or maintaining positive culture. Hiring young talent could be great PR for the company. Young people want to love where they work. Through word of mouth, it is culture that will drive young people to  want your  workplace to become “the place” that job seekers want to go to for innovation and ideas that embraces diversity. Hiring recent grads is where this pays off, they will share their satisfaction online, and various social media platforms that may attract other great talent to want to work at your company.

4. Technologically savvy
With a younger work force, you will rarely ever have to worry about technology learning curves.  With recent college grads, they’ve grown up around technology – and it will make it that much easier to become familiar with company . This will save the employer so much time on training and will allow the recent grads time to focus on working hard and establishing their place in the company.

5. Motivating your current staff

Sometimes complacency is a problem at work, this can be especially concerning when innovation and growth is such a big part of the company mission and culture. Hiring a rising young star, that  is a go-getter with confidence could help in  motivating current complacent employees. There is always the risk of creating division between the top performers who have been there for quite some time and the eager newcomers, still, both should be encouraged, because those eager newcomers can very well turn into your top superstars as well.

At ultraHealth Agency we have 3 great interns; Cynthia Aparicio, Collette Ussery, and Aubree Ouellette. They have been with us for a few months now and have brought so much life to our company and fresh ideas to help grow our company. We decided to hire interns for all the reasons mentioned above, but more than anything we want to encourage them to keep reaching for their goals and aspirations and if we can assist in anyway, we are here to do so. Check out our college corner to learn more about these amazing women. They are ready to work and already have impressive accomplishments under the belts. Check them out, you’d be lucky just as we have been to hire them to be a part of your team!

How Healthcare Leaders Can Build Exceptional Teams

Building a healthcare team with the right diversity of skill sets is an ongoing challenge for healthcare organizations. Various studies show that advances in medicine and technology are reshaping how healthcare jobs are done, specifically jobs where organizations need employees with more specialized skill sets.

The Rising Need for Nurses: 

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics expects the need for registered nurses alone to grow by 12% over the next 10 years. That need has a lot to do with an aging population which creates more demand within the healthcare system. 

The number of healthcare workers beginning to retire is large in numbers.

Moving forward, these ever-changing needs within healthcare organizations need to have a strong internal team with training strategies for their workers that will attract the best talent and essentially upskill their workforce. 

Invest in Learning Opportunities: 

So, how do these organizations get their teams working at their best? Because the healthcare industry is always changing, having the ability to create a culture of continuous learning to stay current within the field and specialties is imperative. 

Management should support their workers in their pursuit of professional development and ongoing education. Such continuing education can include internal resources for professional development, or opportunities to further their careers through certifications and degree programs. 

Management can do this by looking for external partners that can assist with this process, and will allow employees to develop those specialized skills. Today, these opportunities are so easily attainable thanks to online programs. It gives full-time employees the chance to gain the knowledge to do well. 

Organizations do well when their workers do well. Whether it’s the receptionist, the charge nurse, or physician, encouraging a culture of learning will allow you to become an effective healthcare leader with optimal outcomes. 


Being able to spearhead implementation amongst workers with different skills and abilities takes a certain finesse. A successful team consists of a balance between different dynamics.  

Having the ability to recognize the presence or absence of certain skills within a team is crucial. 

Such skills can include decision-making, leadership, conflict management, or the simplicity of being able to communicate with others, whether that be in-person or via email/phone.

With the support of ongoing training and learning advancements, you are positioning growth within the organization that is not only valuable, but it sets the tone for a healthcare team with little turnover. 

Empower Your Team: 

Investing in your employees by checking in on them, making career advancement opportunities, and making sure that management has that internal pipeline for advancement put in place.

To have a team do their best, it’s imperative that healthcare administrators look at the future of their business and create a plan. This will ensure that if an employee with specialized skills were to leave, that knowledge and skillset won’t be missed because your team will have developed the same set of skills needed for the specific positions they work in. 

The long term goal should be identifying who the next healthcare leaders should be and how they can invest in, not only their careers but the careers of their staff, and the overall success of their organization.